Singapore Airlines offers real-time seatback shopping on A350s
During the COVID-19 crisis, people have grown accustomed to buying big ticket items online via screens at home. So, it stands to reason that... Continue Reading
During the COVID-19 crisis, people have grown accustomed to buying big ticket items online via screens at home. So, it stands to reason that... Continue Reading
Canada today loosened its travel restrictions for fully vaccinated Canadians and permanent residents, as part of a gradual process of easing... Continue Reading
When the Inmarsat-Deutsche Telekom European Aviation Network hit the 250-install milestone this January on aircraft across Europe, the scale... Continue Reading
Way back at the 2014 APEX Exhibition in Long Beach, California, United Airlines’ then managing director of passenger systems, Tarek Ab... Continue Reading
Inflight entertainment hardware stakeholders have long sought to drive weight out of their systems to improve the eco-credentials of their p... Continue Reading
Qatar Airways’ latest Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner cabins — revealed some eighteen months after the airline took delivery of the aircraft — featu... Continue Reading
Though the delivery of 4K media for inflight entertainment has long lagged behind IFE screen technology, industry stakeholders have nonethel... Continue Reading
As scheduled passenger flights in India plummeted in the face of the now-declining second wave of coronavirus infections, cargo operations s... Continue Reading
If I were to tally up all of my flights over the years, New York-Seattle probably tops the list of routes I’ve flown the most. It’s a rather... Continue Reading
As the single-aisle longhaul market continues to accelerate, a number of key passenger experience design questions still need to be answered... Continue Reading
Safran Seats has been focusing on supporting the long-haul, narrowbody market of late. Its Z-series seats are meant to meet the needs of tha... Continue Reading
A large portion of the world fleet was grounded after the World Health Organization named COVID-19 a global pandemic in March 2020. That not... Continue Reading
New high throughput satellites with capacity targeted at the inflight connectivity market are under consideration at China’s APT Mobile Satc... Continue Reading
As a frequent JetBlue flyer since the year 2000, I have watched the airline’s product evolve and mature through the years. I was there in th... Continue Reading
Boeing and Alaska Airlines announced today they are partnering on the latest Boeing ecoDemonstrator program and will flight test about 20 te... Continue Reading