Oscar season starts early with pitch-perfect Elis
Telenova superstar Andréia Horta (Liberdade, Chamas da Vida) might not be a household name outside of her native Brazil just yet, but if her... Continue Reading
Telenova superstar Andréia Horta (Liberdade, Chamas da Vida) might not be a household name outside of her native Brazil just yet, but if her... Continue Reading
Global Eagle Entertainment Inc. (NASDAQ: ENT) is proud to have one of its leaders named to chair the new APEX Airline Advertising and Ancill... Continue Reading
Just because you know something is coming doesn’t make it hurt any less when it actually arrives. We have known for nearly a year that Briti... Continue Reading
While the terms German-language martial arts action comedy have rarely, if ever, been used in the same sentence, German-language martial art... Continue Reading
For the past few decades, content service providers (CSPs) have played a pivotal role in bringing entertainment content to IFE systems on bo... Continue Reading
Entertainment and connectivity giant Global Eagle continues its progress in restructuring the business to better integrate the dozen compani... Continue Reading
While I am usually totally cool with Marvel Studios-style expanded universe filmmaking – especially when it yields such badassery as D... Continue Reading
Air China, the flag carrier and one of the major airlines of the People’s Republic of China, has selected inflight entertainment and c... Continue Reading
Jerry Seinfeld once memorably opined that, when it comes to entertainment, there really is “no such thing as fun for the whole family&... Continue Reading
I don’t pretend to be an expert on millennial or even post-millennial angst, but I do know a bad teen movie when I see one, and Before... Continue Reading
Today’s business aircraft passenger typically chooses from a proliferation of smart phone and tablet apps offering everything from cabin man... Continue Reading
While our current Commander in Chief spent enough time in the wrestling ring over the years to earn a place of honor in the WWE Hall of Fame... Continue Reading
As customers’ expectations grow exponentially to include “always on” entertainment and information sources on board aircraft, some airlines ... Continue Reading
Although the term gets bandied about more often than it probably should in kombucha-swilling hipster circles these days, writer-director Mik... Continue Reading
Boasting a leading position in Air Traffic Management (ATM) – its installed base of control center equipment covers more than 40% of global ... Continue Reading