Vaccinated can fly in US without tests. Vaccine passport clouds ahead
With new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US travellers who have been fully vaccinated — in other words, ... Continue Reading
With new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US travellers who have been fully vaccinated — in other words, ... Continue Reading
Industry veteran and author Jennifer Coutts Clay has seen the aviation industry overcome several black swan events in her more than 40 years... Continue Reading
For many years, airline crew members have expressed a wide variety of health concerns about contaminated air on aircraft. Now the European U... Continue Reading
Boeing and the University of Arizona put an age-old technique, thermal disinfection, to use in the fight against COVID-19. Researchers valid... Continue Reading
With the main goal of supporting customers of the 50-seat ERJ 145 jet in their search for solutions to increase passenger safety and prevent... Continue Reading
If you’re sitting directly next to someone else on a two-hour US domestic flight, there’s a 1 in 4,300 possibility that you’ll contract COVI... Continue Reading
A meaningful number of airline passengers continue to waste precious seconds during time-critical evacuations by prioritizing the retrieval ... Continue Reading
Life vest theft is a troubling problem for airlines around the world, especially low-cost carriers. Some unscrupulous passengers steal the v... Continue Reading
Hygiene and safety are at the forefront of everyone’s mind in commercial aviation right now. That’s why Inflight Dublin has tailored i... Continue Reading
Veovo today announced the introduction of its Virtual Queueing and Passenger Density Management solutions, designed to help support social d... Continue Reading
Sustainable retail specialists Duty Free Innovation (DFI) has brought to market a Fly-Safe kit aimed at airport operators to help their pass... Continue Reading
Aligning with best practices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US airlines are requiring that customer-facing emplo... Continue Reading
Collins Aerospace’s new president, Interiors, Troy Brunk is convinced the airline passenger experience as we know it will change in a post-p... Continue Reading
In a post-pandemic world, we can expect that air travel will be different than the way it was before the coronavirus crisis. There will be g... Continue Reading
For the last few decades, inflight entertainment and connectivity stakeholders have played an increasingly important role in air safety. Som... Continue Reading