Almost private: JSX makes flying easy and enjoyable
For those who could afford it, flying private during the pandemic quickly emerged as a desirable alternative to first class on a legacy airl... Continue Reading
For those who could afford it, flying private during the pandemic quickly emerged as a desirable alternative to first class on a legacy airl... Continue Reading
Over the last decade, animal relief areas have become a common amenity offered at US airports. Most travelers likely never give these areas ... Continue Reading
Like many fellow flyers, I severely limited my travel over the last year due to the coronavirus pandemic. And like many, I also saw the ligh... Continue Reading
After a lengthy rulemaking process, the US Department of Transportation’s new amendments to the Air Carrier Access Act finally went into eff... Continue Reading
US Department of Transportation officials have formally amended the Air Carrier Access Act to ensure airlines are not required to recognize ... Continue Reading
US Department of Transportation officials are proposing to tighten the rules around the carriage of service and emotional support animals, a... Continue Reading
United Airlines announced Tuesday that its PetSafe program for transporting animals as cargo is suspended, pending a review of the service. ... Continue Reading
United Airlines by April plans to issue bright colored bag tags to customers traveling with in-cabin pets after taking responsibility for th... Continue Reading