Diehl Aviation sees eVTOLs as part of green intermodal solution
With France now prohibiting certain point-to-point domestic flights on routes where a train journey can replace them, and other European cou... Continue Reading
With France now prohibiting certain point-to-point domestic flights on routes where a train journey can replace them, and other European cou... Continue Reading
A flurry of announcements has seen Deutsche Aircraft move closer to delivering its next-generation D328eco 40-seat turboprop. The German man... Continue Reading
Airports in the UK should not be allowed to expand until a capacity-management framework is put in place, the government’s official cl... Continue Reading
Highlands and Islands Airports Limited (HIAL) operates 12 Scottish airports, including some of the UK’s most remote. It recently announced t... Continue Reading
Norway’s coastline stretches for 62,000 miles when every island, inlet, and fjord is included. And some 80% of Norway’s 5.5 mill... Continue Reading
French airframer ATR has unveiled new premium cabin options for its turboprops in a bid to put these #GreenWing aircraft on the map for mult... Continue Reading
US and European Union regulators are taking different approaches on policies aimed at decarbonizing the airline industry, with one side appe... Continue Reading
Passengers will “bear the cost” of the airline industry’s transition to net zero through higher airfares, the head of the ... Continue Reading
Deutsche Aircraft has announced a tentative launch customer for its in-development D328eco regional turboprop, and has started construction ... Continue Reading
Variations of blended wing body (BWB) aircraft have been studied for decades. And in more recent years, NASA, Airbus, KLM, the Delft Univers... Continue Reading
KLM has doubled the mandatory sustainable aviation fuel surcharge introduced last year on all flight tickets from Amsterdam, and says its st... Continue Reading
Airlines that have made commitments over the last five years to reduce or eliminate single-use plastics from their operations will soon be j... Continue Reading
Research is ramping up on new ways to wean air transport off fossil fuels, with two projects related to both hydrogen and power-to-liquid (P... Continue Reading
KLM and other airlines are taking legal action against the Dutch government’s proposal to reduce and cap aircraft movements at Amsterd... Continue Reading
Commercial hydrogen-powered regional flights could soon be taking off as developments at start-ups seeking to make history in this space con... Continue Reading