Mulling a possible future of antennas integrated into commercial jets
It may sound like giant-antenna-pie-in-the-sky, but a growing number of aviation industry stakeholders are considering when and if it makes ... Continue Reading
It may sound like giant-antenna-pie-in-the-sky, but a growing number of aviation industry stakeholders are considering when and if it makes ... Continue Reading
On 16 January, UTC subsidiaries Collins Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney hosted the inaugural Women In Line Leadership (WILL Rise) Conferen... Continue Reading
When rumblings recently emerged from consultant Alan Gottlieb that Panasonic Avionics was no longer working with Kymeta on a flat panel ante... Continue Reading
Optimizing performance for inflight Internet is a balancing act between three main components: satellites, modems and antennae. New satellit... Continue Reading
Boeing famously exited the service side of inflight connectivity when it shuttered its Connexion by Boeing unit at the end of 2006. The airf... Continue Reading