Press Release: Panasonic Avionics names Abby Bried as general counsel
Panasonic Avionics Corporation (Panasonic Avionics) has today announced the appointment of Abby Bried as Vice President and General Counsel.... Continue Reading
Panasonic Avionics Corporation (Panasonic Avionics) has today announced the appointment of Abby Bried as Vice President and General Counsel.... Continue Reading
As COVID-19 infection rates skyrocket in the United States, major US airlines are voluntarily implementing temporary health acknowledgment p... Continue Reading
Accessibility advocate Justin Yarbrough is a huge proponent of passengers wearing masks, as required, when flying US commercial airlines ami... Continue Reading
ATPCO today announced a new industry solution Emergency flexibility for conditions on existing tickets (Emergency Flexibility). Created with... Continue Reading
In addition to masks, sanitizing stations and plexiglass barriers, temperature screenings will likely be the new normal at North American ai... Continue Reading
US airlines represented by the Airlines for America (A4A) trade organization support the Transportation Security Administration to begin che... Continue Reading
Aligning with best practices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US airlines are requiring that customer-facing emplo... Continue Reading
Regulatory efforts to improve the flying experience for passengers with reduced mobility have become not even a compromise but a fight for U... Continue Reading
After reports that screening procedures for pilots and cabin crew enrolled in the Known Crewmember (KCM) program had changed suddenly over t... Continue Reading
US Federal Aviation Administration officials have committed to using Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Contract (ADS-C) technology to reduc... Continue Reading
It’s not all that unusual these days to hear stories of “fume events” or incidents where unusual “odors in the cabin” have caused flights to... Continue Reading
Just over a year ago, Global Eagle Entertainment made an aircraft operations big data play with the acquisition of ops data powerhouse masFl... Continue Reading
Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, today launched a new interactive data dashboard d... Continue Reading
Nancy Young came to the world of aviation by a rather circuitous route while working on environmental issues on behalf of airlines as an att... Continue Reading
Even as lobbying group Airlines For America (A4A) in December was rallying against the increasing number of taxes and fees the government le... Continue Reading