Press Release: Avionica’s satLINK MAX earns STC on 737 MAX 8


Avionica successfully completed the first Supplemental Type Certification (STC) for their flagship Iridium transceiver, the satLINK MAX. The STC was performed on a Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft.

“Earning this STC on the new generation 737 MAX is a great accomplishment for Avionica,” said Mr. Raul Segredo, president of Avionica. “It’s another in the growing list of STCs that we’ve completed for our family of products.”

Developed in parallel with the 737 MAX, the satLINK MAX is Avionica’s solution for multichannel communication on the Iridium global satellite network. It offers two flight deck Air Traffic Service (ATS) Safety Voice channels with priority capability, one Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) channel that is certified for FANS-1/A(+) and optimized for maximum throughput, and one additional channel that can be used for cabin communications or dedicated datalinks.

“satLINK MAX is the perfect solution for 737 MAX 8 and other commercial aircraft because of the size, weight and functionality of the system,” said Avionica Engineering Vice President Ms. Simone Drake, who is also a Designated Engineering Representative (DER) for the company. “The power of the system enables satLINK MAX to provide Quick Access Recorder (QAR) and Aircraft Interface Device (AID) functions on an EFB, as well as server capabilities to host applications, such as e-Techlogs.”

The optional avWIFI enables seamless integration with portable electronic devices, such as EFBs, smartphones and any wireless tablets, which can be used to connect to the secure system to utilize hosted applications on the server or to make voice calls through the Avionica satLINK mobile app.


Using the avRDC MAX, Remote Data Concentrator and QAR, a significant reduction in installation time and weight can be realized, while also providing convenient support for Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA) and live aircraft data access to Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs).

Avionica’s avCM Cellular Module offers both automated QAR data offloading to a backend avSYNC server system and on-ground internet access for EFB updates and operational datalinks.

About Avionica
Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Miami, Avionica is the world’s leading aircraft data collection and data transmission manufacturer, designing and producing innovative, safety-qualified, state of the art solutions that are revolutionizing air transportation. For more information, please visit Connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.