Welcome to Episode 33 of the #PaxEx Podcast. Our guest for this episode is Cynthia Drescher, a professional travel journalist who is more than a little obsessed with transportation. She has flown on aircraft fresh from the factory, scuba dived with sharks and shipwrecks, visited all seven continents, and still it’s not enough. She’s probably the person on your flight who’s connected to the wifi to book yet another flight. And she has just joined Runway Girl Network as a contributing editor!

Travel journalist Cynthia Drescher
Cynthia has penned a piece for Condé Naste Traveler about Singapore Airlines’ new Airbus A350-900 XWB, after experiencing it for herself on a flight from the Airbus factory in Toulouse to Singapore. In this episode, co-hosts Max Flight and Mary Kirby talk to Cynthia about the #PaxEx on board, and why both passengers and crew have reason to celebrate the innovations that will affect their health and well-being.
While we talk a lot about hard product on Runway Girl Network – whether seats are comfortable or connectivity is working well – soft product like amenity kits, pajamas, “borrowed” salt & pepper shakers, and other souvenirs can prove to be important even after a flight. Cynthia reveals details about her favorite soft products, and sings the joys of their post-flight relevance.
Last but not least, the month of March is Women’s History Month, and we recently celebrated International Women’s Day on 8 March. But while airlines around the world marked the occasion with all-women crewed flights, there is still much work to be done to ensure women gain parity in the ranks of management, including in the C-Suite and on airline boards. Max, Mary and Cynthia discuss the current paradigm and why change is important.