Press Release: Crystal Cabin Award 2023 shortlist reflects comfort focus
With passenger numbers resurgent following the Covid crisis, aviation has once again set its sights high. Passenger solutions that make flyi... Continue Reading
With passenger numbers resurgent following the Covid crisis, aviation has once again set its sights high. Passenger solutions that make flyi... Continue Reading
It’s back to the future. The Crystal Cabin Awards returns in-person as the world’s premier event honouring excellence in aircraft cabin desi... Continue Reading
The annual Crystal Cabin Awards is a creative playfield where designers, engineers and visionaries come together to plan the future of the a... Continue Reading
After a long-anticipated wait, Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX), the destination for the cabin interiors industry, will return to Hamburg, Germ... Continue Reading
As part of the virtual Aircraft Interiors Expo 2021, the Crystal Cabin Awards in the special categories “Clean and Safe Air Travel” and “Jud... Continue Reading
Boarding an aircraft carefree — when will that be normal again, and what will air travel look like in the future? As international air trave... Continue Reading
The Crystal Cabin Awards, hosted by Hamburg Aviation, is informally known as the “Oscars” of the aircraft interiors industry. Every year, th... Continue Reading
The entry period for two new Crystal Cabin Award special categories – “Clean & Safe Air Travel” and “Judges’ Choice Award” –... Continue Reading
The awards ceremony for the 14th Crystal Cabin Awards in Hamburg, originally planned for 1 April 2020, has been rescheduled for 13 April 202... Continue Reading
Astronics Corporation, a leading provider of advanced technologies for global aerospace, defense, and other mission critical industries, ann... Continue Reading
The Crystal Cabin Award is one of the most coveted seals of quality in the global aviation industry. The finalists have now been decided for... Continue Reading
Whether business or holiday, all over the world, more and more people are travelling by plane. But cramped seating and always the same, tedi... Continue Reading
The finalists for the first Crystal Cabin Award special category “Best Customer Journey Experience” have been determined: The “F... Continue Reading
The 12th Crystal Cabin Awards were presented in Hamburg on Tuesday. The winners of the world’s most famous and highly regarded prize for air... Continue Reading
It is one of the most coveted awards in the international aviation industry. Year after year, suppliers, major aircraft manufacturers, unive... Continue Reading